Effective OTC communication
- Method:
- Qualitative IDIs
- Release Date:
- May 31, 2020
- Target group:
- OTC consumers of 18-65 y.o. and ABC status
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 28
We interviewed OTC consumers to explore effective communication of OTC products: asked about meda consumption, advertisements, information sources and purchase decision

Drug attitudes of young adults
- Method:
- Quantitative F2F research
- Release Date:
- September 20, 2018
- Target group:
- Young adults from music festivals
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 13 slides
We interviewd the young adult participants of Balaton Sound 2018 music festival about their attitude tovards drugs (medications), purchasing and consumption habbits

MediJournalTrack 2018
- Method:
- Offline (CATI) quantitative research
- Release Date:
- September 20, 2018
- Target group:
- GPs and specialists
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
The Szinapszis MediJournalTrack 2018 report was recently published for GPs and many specializations based upon representative quantitative research taken in August-September 2018. The rport tells us about the known, read and favourite professional journals, both printed and online versions, and details the sources of scientific and drug information for the doctors. You can download the detailed brochure and quotation here.

10 specialists about the past 10 years in healthcare
- Method:
- Qualitative report
- Release Date:
- July 25, 2017
- Target group:
- Specialists
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 44 slides
2 000 000 HUF
We look back on the past 10 years of Hungarian healthcare through the eyes of 10 specialists, especially focusing on the changes in the conditions of patient care, the doctors' existence, pharmaceutical companies' activities and communication.

MedNetTrack CEE 2017/2018
- Method:
- Proposal
- Release Date:
- June 19, 2017
- Target group:
- Doctors
- Language:
- English
- Volume:
- -
Szinapszis MedNetTrack™ 2017/2018 report will be ready in Q2-Q4 2017. Countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey. Topics to be covered: Internet penetration, usage, e-mailing, smart devices (phone, tablet etc.) penetration, usage, medical applications, online information needs & sources, Web 2.0 and social media professional activities (forums, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), role of internet in doctors’ work and MCM: e-DM, e-detailing, digital detailing, remote detailing, tele-detailing, webcasting, online medical/community portals, eCME, digital patient interactions

Digital information in diabetology
- Method:
- IDIs, diary, etnography, netnography
- Release Date:
- December 1, 2016
- Target group:
- Diabetologists, patients
- Language:
- magyar
- Volume:
- 60 slides
2 950 000 HUF
Szinapszis has initiated a research project in fall 2016 among diabetologists and patients. The aim of this research was to investigate the value and access to information, focusing especially on the digital sources for both doctors and patients. We applied expert IDIs, patient etnographic interviews, data collection wth netnography. The report also includes relevant data from other recent researches of Szinapszis.

MedNetTrack Whitepaper
- Method:
- Whitepaper
- Release Date:
- July 7, 2016
- Target group:
- Doctors
- Language:
- English
- Volume:
- 6 pages
The extract of the latest edition of Szinapszis MedNetTrack research including doctors from 9 CEE countrires. The whitepaper summarizes the Internet and smart device usage of the doctors, their attitude toward a multi-channel marketinggel and its daily use.

MedRep Sentiment Report 2016
- Method:
- CAWi
- Release Date:
- April 18, 2016
- Target group:
- Medical Sales Representatives
- Language:
- English, Hungarian
- Volume:
- 27 slides
Szinapszis together with Ventív has been interviewing medical sales representatives regarding their work, prospects for many years. The research covers the digitalization of the MedReps and their acceptance level and usage of MCM tools.

Myoma - online user content and reach
- Method:
- Netnography
- Release Date:
- April 1, 2016
- Target group:
- Pharma
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 21 slides
100 000 HUF
The report details the basic reach figures, potential, platforms of communicating with the myoma patient. Aslo analysing online user generated contents.

Reflux - online user content and reach
- Method:
- Netnography
- Release Date:
- April 1, 2016
- Target group:
- Pharma
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 17 slides
100 000 HUF
The report details the basic reach figures, potential, platforms of communicating with the myoma patient. Aslo analysing online user generated contents.

GLOBAL Tourism Monitor
- Method:
- Release Date:
- May 12, 2015
- Target group:
- General population
- Language:
- English
- Volume:
- 50 slides
GLOBAL, the association of market reserarch companies that Szinapszis is also a member of has completed its research on touristic destinations in 2015 with the participation of 24 countries including Hungary.

OTC Choice locomotor pain
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 15, 2015
- Target group:
- Category users
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 50 slides
500 000 HUF
The report introduces the consumer attitudes toward OTC painkillers and the decision tree, main influencing factors of product selection. CAWI research in November 2014 with 608 category buyers.

PharmaImageTrack 2014
- Method:
- Release Date:
- September 29, 2014
- Target group:
- General population
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 79 slides
400 000 HUF
The awareness and appraisal of Hungarian pharmaceutical companies among the adult population. The study thoroughly presents the information the Hungarian inhabitants have about pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical industry. It analyzes trends between 2008-2014. CATI research in August 2014, n=1000 nationwide representative sample.

PharmaJournalTrack 2014
- Method:
- Release Date:
- April 1, 2014
- Target group:
- Pharamcy managers and first line assistants
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 42 slides
350 000 HUF
Comprehensive report on the awareness and usage of the pahramcy journals, and other print and online professional media. The report shows the trends from 2008-2014. Quantitative telephone interviews in February 2014 with 50 pharmacy managers and 100 first line assistants.

PharmaNetTrack 2014
- Method:
- Release Date:
- April 1, 2014
- Target group:
- Pharamcy managers and first line assistants
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 87 slides
350 000 HUF
The report detials the Hungarian pharmacists Internet usage (penetration, e-mail usage. Also includes trends form 2008-2014. Quantitative telephone interviews in February 2014 with 50 pharmacy managers and 100 first line assistants.

PharmaImageTrack 2013
- Method:
- Release Date:
- September 23, 2013
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
The awareness and appraisal of Hungarian pharmaceutical companies among the adult population countrywide and in a representative sample. The study thoroughly presents the information the Hungarian inhabitants have about pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical industry. There is a separate section dealing with the changes and tendencies between 2008 and 2013. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1000; field work: August 2013 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size:84 slides

PharmaJournalTrack 2013
- Method:
- Release Date:
- March 25, 2013
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian pharmacists and the printed publications which pharmacy managers and those attending to customers most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2013. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2013 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size:41 slides

PharmaImageTrack 2012
- Method:
- Release Date:
- August 27, 2012
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The awareness and appraisal of Hungarian pharmaceutical companies among the adult population countrywide and in a representative sample. The study thoroughly presents the information the Hungarian inhabitants have about pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical industry. There is a separate section dealing with the changes and tendencies between 2008 and 2012. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1002; field work: August 2012 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size:83 slides

OTC Choice - Allergy 2012
- Method:
- Release Date:
- May 10, 2012
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
400 000 HUF
The research study gives an overview on OTC allergy products bought in pharmacies: how they are selected, what kind of factors play a role in the customers' decisions, and also answers questions such as which ones are the best known and most applied products. We also analyse in details which are those products preferred and recommended by the pharmacists in case the customer does not arrive into the pharmacy with an actual product claim Method:Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work:May 2012 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), Language: Hungarian Size:56 slides

Sales in Pharmacy 2012
- Method:
- Release Date:
- February 28, 2012
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
400 000 HUF
During the research, we thoroughly examined the changes of law in the pharmaceutical industry in December 2011 and January 2012, as well as their effect on the pharmacists' opinions, the atmosphere, and the expected strategies. Method: depth interview research, N=20; field work:December 2011-January 2012 Target group: pharmacy managers Language: Hungarian Size:38 slides

PharmaNetTrack 2012
- Method:
- Release Date:
- February 22, 2012
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
This study thoroughly presents the Internet usage habits of Hungarian pharmacists, the extent of Internet penetration and ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among pharmacy managers and those who attend to customers. We first conducted this research in 2008, therefore, we present the tendencies in a separate section. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=253; field work: January 2012 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size:63 slides

PharmaJournalTrack 2012
- Method:
- Release Date:
- February 20, 2012
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian pharmacists and the printed publications which pharmacy managers and those attending to customers most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2012. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=253; field work: January 2012 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size:54 slides

OTC Choice - Probiotics 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- February 8, 2012
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The research study gives an overview on OTCprobiotic products bought in pharmacies: how they are selected, what kind of factors play a role in the customers' decisions, and also answers questions such as which ones are the best known and most applied products. We also analyse in details which are those products preferred and recommended by the pharmacists in case the customer does not arrive into the pharmacy with an actual product claim. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=260; field work: January 2011 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), category shopper representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size: 59 slides

Szinapszis - MediJournalTrack 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- December 5, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian physicians and the printed publications which GPs and specialists most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2004 and 2011. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=909; field work: October 2011 Target group: cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 78 slides

Szinapszis - MedNetTrack 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- December 5, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
Szinapszis Ltd. has been examining the Internet usage habits of physicians for years. This current study represents 18 physician groups by interviewing 909 physicians. It presents Internet penetration, the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses, it outlines Internet usage habits, the most visited general and professional websites, as well as the changes between 2004 and 2011. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=909; field work: October 2011 Target group: cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size:78 slides

Szinapszis PharmaImageTrack 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- September 19, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The awareness and appraisal of Hungarian pharmaceutical companies among the adult population countrywide and in a representative sample. The study thoroughly presents the information the Hungarian inhabitants have about pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical industry. There is a separate section dealing with the changes and tendencies between 2008 and 2011. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1004; field work: August 2011 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size:79 slides

Szinapszis OTC Choice NSAID 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- August 8, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
400 000 HUF
The research study gives an overview on OTC locomotor pain tratement (NSAID) products bought in pharmacies: how they are selected, what kind of factors play a role in the customers' decisions, and also answers questions such as which ones are the best known and most applied products. We also analyse in details which are those products preferred and recommended by the pharmacists in case the customer does not arrive into the pharmacy with an actual product claim. Method: double methodology, field work: June 2011 Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; and mystery shopping; N=100 pharmacy Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), Language: Hungarian Size:54 slides

Szinapszis OTC Choice BPH 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- July 25, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
400 000 HUF
The research study gives an overview on OTC BPH products bought in pharmacies: how they are selected, what kind of factors play a role in the customers' decisions, and also answers questions such as which ones are the best known and most applied products. We also analyse in details which are those products preferred and recommended by the pharmacists in case the customer does not arrive into the pharmacy with an actual product claim. Method: double methodology, field work: June 2011 Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=202; and mystery shopping; N=100 pharmacy Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), Language: Hungarian Size: 58 slides

Szinapszis OTC Choice Allergy 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- July 11, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
400 000 HUF
The research study gives an overview on OTC allergy products bought in pharmacies: how they are selected, what kind of factors play a role in the customers' decisions, and also answers questions such as which ones are the best known and most applied products. We also analyse in details which are those products preferred and recommended by the pharmacists in case the customer does not arrive into the pharmacy with an actual product claim. Method: double methodology, field work: June 2011 Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=225; and mystery shopping; N=100 pharmacy Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), Language: Hungarian Size: 48 slides

PharmaJournalTrack 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- March 7, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian pharmacists and the printed publications which pharmacy managers and those attending to customers most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2011. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2011 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size:48 slides

PharmaNetTrack 2011
- Method:
- Release Date:
- March 7, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
This study thoroughly presents the Internet usage habits of Hungarian pharmacists, the extent of Internet penetration and ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among pharmacy managers and those who attend to customers. We first conducted this research in 2008, therefore, we present the tendencies in a separate section. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2011 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size: 49 slides

MediJournalTrack 2010
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 24, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian physicians and the printed publications which GPs and specialists most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2004 and 2010. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=950; field work: September 2010 Target group: cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 73 slides

MedNetTrack 2010
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 24, 2011
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
Szinapszis Ltd. has been examining the Internet usage habits of physicians for years. This current study represents 18 physician groups by interviewing 950 physicians. It presents Internet penetration, the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses, it outlines Internet usage habits, the most visited general and professional websites, as well as the changes between 2004 and 2010. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=950; field work: September 2010 Target group: cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist,orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist,rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size:69 slides

HospitalJournalTrack 2010
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 25, 2010
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
We extended the range of the target group of the professional journal reading research regularly conducted among physicians to health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers in 2008. It is a comprehensive study which thoroughly presents the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian experts and features the printed publications that health leaders most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2010. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=200; field work: August 2010 Target group: health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers Language: Hungarian Size:35 slides

HospitalNetTrack 2010
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 25, 2010
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
We extended the range of the target group of the Internet usage research regularly conducted among physicians to health care decision makers in 2008. The research thoroughly presents the Internet usage habits of hospital and health care decision makers. It also covers Internet penetration and the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among the decision makers.There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2010. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=200; field work: August 2010 Target group: health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers Language: Hungarian Size:40 slides

PharmaImageTrack 2010
- Method:
- Release Date:
- September 24, 2010
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The awareness and appraisal of Hungarian pharmaceutical companies among the adult population countrywide and in a representative sample. The study thoroughly presents the information the Hungarian inhabitants have about pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical industry. There is a separate section dealing with the changes and tendencies between 2008 and 2010. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1000; field work: August 2010 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size: 40 slides

OTC Choice - Allergy
- Method:
- Release Date:
- September 20, 2010
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The research study gives an overview on OTC allergy products bought in pharmacies: how they are selected, what kind of factors play a role in the customers' decisions, and also answers questions such as which ones are the best known and most applied products. We also analyse in details which are those products preferred and recommended by the pharmacists in case the customer does not arrive into the pharmacy with an actual product claim. Method: double methodology, field work: August 2010 Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=260; and mystery shopping; N=100 pharmacy Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), category shopper representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size: 49 slides

OTC Choice - Heartburn, acid-suppressives, reflux
- Method:
- Release Date:
- August 1, 2010
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The research study gives an overview on OTC acid-suppressives, reflux products bought in pharmacies: how they are selected, what kind of factors play a role in the customers' decisions, and also answers questions such as which ones are the best known and most applied products. We also analyse in details which are those products preferred and recommended by the pharmacists in case the customer does not arrive into the pharmacy with an actual product claim. Method: double methodology, field work: June 2010 Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=260; and mystery shopping; N=100 pharmacy Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), category shopper representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size: 47 slides

PharmaJournalTrack 2010
- Method:
- Release Date:
- March 5, 2010
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian pharmacists and the printed publications which pharmacy managers and those attending to customers most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2010. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2010 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size:44 slides

PharmaNetTrack 2010
- Method:
- Release Date:
- March 5, 2010
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
This study thoroughly presents the Internet usage habits of Hungarian pharmacists, the extent of Internet penetration and ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among pharmacy managers and those who attend to customers. We first conducted this research in 2008, therefore, we present the tendencies in a separate section. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2010 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size: 43 slides

MediJournalTrack 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 23, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian physicians and the printed publications which GPs and specialists most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2004 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1400; field work: September 2009 Target group: anesthesiologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, radiologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian Size: 75 slides

MedNetTrack 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 23, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
350 000 HUF
Szinapszis Ltd. has been examining the Internet usage habits of physicians for years. This current study represents 21 physician groups by interviewing 1400 physicians. It presents Internet penetration, the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses, it outlines Internet usage habits, the most visited general and professional websites, as well as the changes between 2004 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1400; field work: September 2009 Target group: anesthesiologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, radiologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian Size: 59 slides

HospitalJournalTrack 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 1, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
We extended the range of the target group of the professional journal reading research regularly conducted among physicians to health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers in 2008. It is a comprehensive study which thoroughly presents the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian experts and features the printed publications that health leaders most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=200; field work: August 2009 Target group: health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers Language: Hungarian Size:36 slides

HospitalNetTrack 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 1, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
We extended the range of the target group of the Internet usage research regularly conducted among physicians to health care decision makers in 2008. The research thoroughly presents the Internet usage habits of hospital and health care decision makers. It also covers Internet penetration and the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among the decision makers.There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=200; field work: August 2009 Target group: health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers Language: Hungarian Size:48 slides

PharmaImageTrack 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- August 31, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The awareness and appraisal of Hungarian pharmaceutical companies among the adult population countrywide and in a representative sample. The study thoroughly presents the information the Hungarian inhabitants have about pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical industry. There is a separate section dealing with the changes and tendencies between 2008 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1000; field work: July 2009 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size: 64 slides

MedicineImageTrack - Antiasthmatics
- Method:
- Release Date:
- April 30, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
The central question deals with the appraisal of original and generic antiasthamatics among GPs and specialists. In our study, we evaluate both producer and medication image, with special emphasis on how much a company’s appraisal influences the opinions about the products it produces. Method: online reseach (CAWI); N=119; field work: April 2009 Target group: GPs (71%) and pulmonologists (29%) Language: Hungarian Size: 53 slides

MediJournalQual 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- March 31, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
This research was done using qualitative methodology and it examines what roles professional journals have in obtaining medical professional information and it also looks for the reason of the changes that occured in the recent years and the penetration of Internet. There is a separate section that deals with the detailed examination and evaluation of the most frequently read Hungarian professional journals. Method: focus group research; N=2 groups, May 2009 Target group: GPs working in the capital Language: Hungarian Size: 64 slides

MediLifestyleStudy 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- March 30, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
We examined the lifestyles, leisure activities of physicians, as well as their approaches to sports, recreation, holiday and hobbies for the first time in 2009. We present how much they are interested in news, politics, the daily press, broadcast media and we show what their future prospects are, how they see their existential and professional circumstances. Method: online reseach (CAWI); N=561; field work: March 2009 Target group: GPs and specialists (representative layered sample) Language: Hungarian Size: 33 slides

PharmaJournalTrack 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 30, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian pharmacists and the printed publications which pharmacy managers and those attending to customers most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2009 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size: 33 slides

PharmaNetTrack 2009
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 30, 2009
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
This study thoroughly presents the Internet usage habits of Hungarian pharmacists, the extent of Internet penetration and ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among pharmacy managers and those who attend to customers. We first conducted this research in 2008, therefore, we present the tendencies in a separate section. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2009 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size: 44 slides

Changes in the appraisal and prescription of generics
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 30, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
In this study we wish to reveal how much the "generic program" part of the health care reform affects the GP practice 1-1.5 years after its introduction. We also examine physicians’ opinions about original and generic producers. Method: online reseach (CAWI); N=107; field work: October 2009 Target group: GPs Language: Hungarian Size: 33 slides

MedicineImageTrack - Nasal products
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 30, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
The central question deals with the appraisal of original and generic nasal products among GPs and specialists. In our study, we evaluate both producer and medication image, with special emphasis on how much a company’s appraisal influences the opinions about the products it produces. Method: online reseach (CAWI); N=171; field work: October 2009 Target group: GPs (50%) and specialists (51%) (otorhinolaryngologists, pulmonologists, allergologists) Language: Hungarian Size: 47 slides

PublicHealthAware 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 30, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
500 000 HUF
This survey analyses several issues about health and its preservation: we thoroughly deal with the medication purchasing habits of the Hungarian inhabitants, their health conditions and we briefly evaluate the Hungarian health care system. This report also presents the changes and tendencies that have been going on in medication expenditures since 2006. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1000; field work: October 2008 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian Size: 47 slides

MediJournalTrack 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 13, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
400 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian physicians and the printed publications which GPs and specialists most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1400; field work: October 2008 Target group: anesthesiologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, radiologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 65 slides

MedNetTrack 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 13, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
400 000 HUF
Szinapszis Ltd. has been examining the Internet usage habits of physicians for years. This current study represents 21 physician groups by interviewing 1400 physicians. It presents Internet penetration, the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses, it outlines Internet usage habits, the most visited general and professional websites, as well as the changes between 2004 and 2008. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1400; field work: October 2008 Target group: anesthesiologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, radiologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 65 slides

MedicineImageTrack - Systemic antihistamines
- Method:
- Release Date:
- September 30, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
The central question deals with the appraisal of original and generic systemic antihistamines among GPs and specialists. In our study, we evaluate both producer and medication image, with special emphasis on how much a company’s appraisal influences the opinions about the products it produces. Method: online reseach (CAWI); N=239; field work: August 2009 Target group: GPs (68%) and specialists (32%) (otorhinolaryngologists, pulmonologists, allergologists) Language: Hungarian Size: 49 slides

HospitalJournalTrack 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- August 31, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
We extended the range of the target group of the professional journal reading research regularly conducted among physicians to health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers in 2008. It is a comprehensive study which thoroughly presents the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian experts and features the printed publications that health leaders most often read. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=200; field work: August 2008 Target group: health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers Language: Hungarian Size: 55 slides

HospitalNetTrack 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- August 28, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
We extended the range of the target group of the Internet usage research regularly conducted among physicians to health care decision makers in 2008. The research thoroughly presents the Internet usage habits of hospital and health care decision makers. It also covers Internet penetration and the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among the decision makers. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=200; field work: August 2008 Target group: health, hospital decisionmakers, suppliers Language: Hungarian Size: 31 slides

Changes in health policy and economicalness from MedReps’ aspect
- Method:
- Release Date:
- July 30, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
During the research, we thoroughly examined the changes in the pharmaceutical industry caused by the medication economicalness law, as well as their effect on sales activity, the quality of MedRep activities and the atmosphere among MedReps. We deal with the evaluation and alternatives of the position of alternative sales support instruments in detail. Method: depth interview research (N=10); Juny 2008 Target group: MedReps who have physician, pharmacist, medical college and biologist degrees Language: Hungarian, English Size: 34 slides

MediJournalTrack és MedNetTrack among dentists
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 31, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
This study thoroughly presents the Internet usage and professional journal reading habits of Hungarian dental specialists. Among others, the report deals with the printed publications and websites most frequently read by physicians. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2008 Target group: dental specialists, representing the entire dentist society broken down by region and settlement type Language: Hungarian Size: 44 slides

PharmaJournalTrack 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 31, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
We extended the range of the target group of the professional journal reading research regularly conducted among physicians to pharmacists in 2008. It is a comprehensive study which thoroughly presents the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian pharmacists and features the printed publications that phamacy managers and those attending to customers most often read. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2008 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size: 25 slides

PharmaNetTrack 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 31, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
We extended the range of the target group of the Internet usage research regularly conducted among physicians to pharmacists in 2008. The research thoroughly presents the Internet usage habits of pharmacists. It also covers Internet penetration and the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among the pharmacitsts. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=250; field work: January 2008 Target group: pharmacy managers (20%) and those who attend to customers (80%) Language: Hungarian Size: 24 slides

MedicineImageTrack - Cholesterol reducers
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 23, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The central question deals with the appraisal of original and generic cholesterol reducers among GPs and specialists. In our study, we evaluate both producer and medication image, with special emphasis on how much a company’s appraisal influences the opinions about the products it produces. Method: online reseach (CAWI); N=292; field work: June 2009 Target group: GPs (70%) and specialists (30%) (cardiologists, diabetologists, generalinternists) Language: Hungarian Size: 54 slides

PharmaImageTrack 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 23, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
300 000 HUF
The awareness and appraisal of Hungarian pharmaceutical companies among the adult population countrywide and in a representative sample. The study thoroughly presents the information the Hungarian inhabitants have about pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical industry. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1000; field work: May 2008 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian, English Size: 67 slides

MediJournalTrack 2007
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 30, 2007
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
750 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian physicians and the printed publications which GPs and specialists most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1300; field work: October 2007 Target group: anesthesiologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, neurologist, oncologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 65 slides

MedNetTrack 2007
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 30, 2007
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
750 000 HUF
This study deals with the Internet usage habits of Hungarian physicians, the extent of Internet penetration, the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among GPs and specialists. There is a separate section which examines the changes and tendencies that have occured since 2004. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1300; field work: October 2007 Target group: anesthesiologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, neurologist, oncologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 48 slides

Health Policy Study
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 15, 2007
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
3 000 000 HUF
This study is a comprehensive research about the effects of the measures introduced during the health care reform on physicians and patients. The survey is based on both quantitative and qualitative methodologies and it uses not only statistical, but also more profound information to provide a realistic view about the advantageous and disadvantageous changes that occurred in practice. Method: secunder, depth interview (N=40 physicians and N=8 patients) and questionnaire (CATI) (N=400 physicians, N=500 patients) reseaches; August 2007 Target group: GPs, specialists, chronic patients Language: Hungarian, English Size: 60 slides

PublicHealthAware 2007
- Method:
- Release Date:
- March 31, 2007
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
1 500 000 HUF
As the continuation of the health consciousness research conducted in 2006, we examined the health consciousness of the Hungarian society by involving partly the same and partly new aspects. Designated sections deal with the openness to health care issues, information need, the preferred channels of communication and we also thoroughly analyse the changes and tendencies that have been going on in medication expenditures since 2006. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1000; field work: February 2007 Target group: adult Hungarian population (18+), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian, English Size: 56 slides

Actual topics in health care politics
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 31, 2007
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
500 000 HUF
An in-depth interview research among GPs with significant practices concerning the appraisal of the changes in health care politics, practical problems and expectations. Method: depth interview research (N=10); December 2006 Target group: GPs Language: Hungarian Size: 12 slides

MedRepDiary 2006
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 30, 2006
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
In this logging research, we involved GPs to gather information about the frequency of MedRep visits, the professional and non-professional preparedness of MedRep, as well as their approaches. The study contains both summarized data and detailed breakdowns by pharmaceutical company. Method: Quantitative research (21 physicians, N=455 completed questionnaires), field work: November-December 2006 Target group: GPs Language: Hungarian, English Size: 74 slides

MediJournalTrack 2006
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 20, 2006
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
750 000 HUF
This study contains a comprehensive research thoroughly presenting the professional journal reading habits of Hungarian physicians and the printed publications which GPs and specialists most often read. There is a separate section about the changes and tendencies that occurred between 2008 and 2009. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1200; field work: October 2006 Target group: cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, neurologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 65 slides

MedNetTrack 2006
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 20, 2006
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
750 000 HUF
This study deals with the Internet usage habits of Hungarian physicians, the extent of Internet penetration, the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among GPs and specialists. There is a separate section which examines the changes and tendencies that have occured since 2004. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1200; field work: October 2006 Target group: cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, neurologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 39 slides

MediJournalQual 2006
- Method:
- Release Date:
- September 30, 2006
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
This research was done using qualitative methodology and it examines what roles professional journals have in obtaining medical professional information and it also looks for the reason of the changes that occured in the recent years. There is a separate section that deals with the detailed examination and evaluation of the most frequently read Hungarian professional journals. Method: focus group research; N=2 groups, September 2006 Target group: GPs working in the capital Language: Hungarian Size: 34 slides

PublicHealthAware 2006
- Method:
- Release Date:
- June 30, 2006
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
1 500 000 HUF
The research presents the opinions and observations of people about health, diseases and medications, thereby showing a comprehensive view about what health consciousness of the Hungarian society is like. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1022 (May 2006); focus group research; N=2 (June 2006) Target group: adult Hungarian population (18-55), representative layered sample Language: Hungarian, English Size: 46 slides

MedRepDiary 2005
- Method:
- Release Date:
- November 2, 2005
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
This study deals with the Internet usage habits of Hungarian physicians, the extent of Internet penetration, the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses among GPs and specialists. There is a separate section which examines the changes and tendencies that have occured since 2004. Method: Quantitative research (19 physicians, N=228 completed questionnaires), field work: October 2005 Target group: GPs Language: Hungarian, English Size: 58 slides

Pharmaceutical industry thru the eye of the medical sales representatives
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 31, 2004
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
Segmentation of the opinions of MedReps with different qualifications about the pharmaceutical industry. The study takes the active MedReps’ opinions as basis and presents the role and task of MedRep activity in medication sales, with special emphasis on revealing the differences of qualifications (physicians, pharmacists, other). Method: depth interview research (N=15); October 2004 Target group:MedReps who have physician, pharmacist, medical college, biologist and chemist degrees Language: Hungarian, English Size: 25 slides

Pharmaceutical industry thru the eye of the medical sales representatives
- Method:
- Release Date:
- August 31, 2004
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
Objective research of former MedReps’ opinions about pharmaceutical companies. The study presents the role and task of MedRep activity in medication sales from the viewpoints of those previously working as MedReps. Method: depth interview research (N=8); August 2004 Target group:physicians who previously worked as MedReps Language: Hungarian, English Size: 15 slides

MediJournalTrack és MedNetTrack 2004
- Method:
- Release Date:
- May 31, 2004
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
This study thoroughly presents the Internet usage and professional journal reading habits of Hungarian GPs and specialists. Among others, the report deals with the printed publications and websites most frequently read by physicians. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1505; field work: May 2004 Target group: cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, neurologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 69 slides

Report on the Hungarian medical journal market
- Method:
- Desk research
- Release Date:
- May 31, 2004
- Target group:
- Medical journals
- Language:
- Hungarian
- Volume:
- 129 pages
250 000 HUF
This study uses different aspects to thoroughly examine Hungarian medical journals. Besides presenting publication and distribution data, we also provide brief evaluations regarding the contents and formal characteristics of these journals.

The assessment of the physician-patient and the physician-pharma relationship, and the evaluation of health policy
- Method:
- Release Date:
- April 30, 2004
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
This study provides a comprehensive view about how GPs see the quality of physician-patient and physician-pharmaceutical company relations. The research also evaluates the current health care politics, which provides a useful backround for understanding the underlying reasons and motivations. Method: depth interview research (N=10); April 2004 Target group: GPs working in the capital Language: Hungarian, English Size: 19 slides

Physicians' opinions about MedRep systems
- Method:
- Release Date:
- September 30, 2003
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
250 000 HUF
During this research, we survey the forms in which practices work, how much GPs are satisfied from the economic aspect and how much pharmaceutical companies could help GPs’ circumstances. It is a further focal point to survey the channels through which they can be convinced in the most effective way to use a certain product. Method: depth interview research (N=12); September 2008 Target group: GPs working in the capital, entreprenurial practices and those operated by the local authorities Language: Hungarian Size: 29 slides
MED NET TRACK Doctors becoming digital 2[Vázlat]
- Method:
- Release Date:
- January 1, 1970
- Target group:
- Language:
- Volume: