MedNetTrack 2008
- Method:
- Release Date:
- October 13, 2008
- Target group:
- Language:
- english
- Volume:
400 000 HUF
Szinapszis Ltd. has been examining the Internet usage habits of physicians for years. This current study represents 21 physician groups by interviewing 1400 physicians. It presents Internet penetration, the ratio of Internet users and those who have e-mail addresses, it outlines Internet usage habits, the most visited general and professional websites, as well as the changes between 2004 and 2008. Method: Questionnaire reseach (CATI); N=1400; field work: October 2008 Target group: anesthesiologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, diabetologist, gastroenterologist, generalinternist, GP, gynecologist, hematologist, neurologist, oncologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, radiologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, urologist Language: Hungarian, English Size: 65 slides