Publications and our branded products
Szinapszis constantly provides data, research results and studies for the market from self-financed researches. Part of these have been published or accessible on our website for free and some can be purchased. Our most well-known publications are:
- MedNetTrack CEE – exploring physicians’ behaviour from CEE region on usage of Internet and digital devices, and acceptance and everyday use of multichannel marketing
- MediJournalTrack – awareness and reading of medical papers
- PharmaImageTrack – awareness, image and perception of pharmaceutical manufacturers among population
- Orvoslátogatói hangulatjelentés – presence and future of Medical Representatives
Szinapszis has many self-developed, branded research solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. The most frequently applied are:
- MedRepControl – methodology for measuring efficiency of Medical Representatives
- OTC Choice – target group definition and decision tree for OTC products
Other solutions

Szinapszis has a licensed and GDPR compliant database of physicians, pharmacists and other HCPs. This database includes nearly 35 000 records in Hungary with almost 100% coverage.

Due to our industry knowledge and experience gained by healthcare and pharmaceutical researches, we also offer personalised expert decision-supporting consulting for our customers.

Market Research
Szinapszis is a full-service market research agency providing innovative services for their clients and data collection for market research partners as well.