
Szinapszis has a licensed and GDPR compliant database of physicians, pharmacists and other HCPs. This database includes nearly 35 000 records in Hungary with almost 100% coverage. From the surrounding countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia) our database includes nearly 60 000 physicians.

For our pharmaceutical manufacturer partners we provide continuously updated or one-time database service for detailing or other marketing/sales activity.

Our corporate database includes 250 000 available companies, and we have residential address and telephone list of course as well.

Other solutions

Market Research

Market Research

Szinapszis is a full-service market research agency providing innovative services for their clients and data collection for market research partners as well.

Publications and our branded products

Publications and our branded products

Szinapszis constantly provides data, research results and studies for the market from self-financed researches. Part of these have been published or accessible on our website for free and some can be purchased.



Szinapszis’ own Call Center has 70 workstations with more than 10 FTE operators experienced in B2B and healthcare researches and communication.