Szinapszis MedNetTrack CEE 2021 – digitalization of physicians

  • 2022-01-14 09:00:00
  • Research

Multichannel marketing and digitalization are musts in the pharma industry. In the East-European countries the digital transition has started many years ago and has been accelerated by the COVID-19 situation, but still has a long way to go.


To show the world the impact and demand for digital and MCM, Szinapszis started a representative tracking study called MedNetTrack CEE in many East-European Countries in 2012. Szinapszis MedNetTrack CEE provides a clear overview on the digital affinity of doctors, who despite of the aging population are open to new ways of communication. We track the expanding role of the digital marketing tools, communication channels and devices in the professional lives of doctors, in their relationship with the pharma industry and their patients.


In 2021 we put a special focus on measuring how physicians’ digital affinity and acceptance of MCM have changed since (and due to) the COVID-19 pandemic and also how pharma companies’ digital activities have changed since then. Szinapszis MedNetTrack CEE gives answers for questions such as:


  • What digital communication tools and channels are used by the physicians? What channels do they use to search for professional information?

  • Which tools are used by pharma companies in their communication with physicians?

  • What communication activities doctors are open to from pharma companies? What are their preferences among digital detailing, F2F visits, telephone or web detailing?

  • How pharma communication and the digitalization of doctors have changed over the last years (trend data from before COVID-19)?

Szinapszis MedNetTrack CEE 2021 is the 6th edition of our study that includes nine countries: Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Russia. We use identical questionnaire on all markets, the method behind the study is a standardized multi-country quantitative research based upon representative and statistically reliable offline (CATI or F2F) samples of doctors (50% GPs and 50% mix specialists) in each country.


The study is available for purchase for all of the above markets, we offer country reports and cross-country analysis including trend data. For further details please contact us at .