Digitalization and telemedicine during COVID19
- 2020-09-08 00:00:00
- Research
In June 2020 we interviewed 660 doctors from 15 specializations repersentatively to Hungary with Szinapszis MedNetTrack modified questionnaire to show the consequences of the COVID19 emergency situation. Some of the key findings of the report you can find below, for the detailed report that is available by specializatiomns contact us!
A period of crisis in many cases forces new solutions and changes, and this was the case in Hungary as well, as a result of the COVID-19 state of emergency starting in March 2020. The life of physicians not working at COVID departments changed in two major ways:
1.The physician-patient personal contacts were not possible in most cases, thus physicians had to provide care, follow-up from a “distance”. In the process, it was revealed that besides the difficulties, this had numerous advantages: the number of unnecessary physician-patient meetings decreased, telemedicine provides fast, effective and accessible check-up options for numerous patients, while the overload experienced by physicians may also be reduced.
2.The contacts between physicians and pharmaceutical representatives were ended by decree but the thirst for information did not simultaneously subdue. Thus every alternative channel has become acceptable for those physicians as well who had rejected or had not preferred them before.
3. The visits and time spent on the closed medical portals increased significantly, the same was reported by Medscape based upon their market research of doctors in the USA and EU Big5: