ESOMAR Congress in Istambul

  • 2013-08-23 07:55:00
  • Conference

Researchers from around the world will network, share knowledge and will listen to speakers, for example, from AOL, Heineken, MIT, Pepsico, the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands as well as from major industry leaders in innovation such as Toluna or BrainJuicer.

Probably the most awaited speech will be held by former chess champion and civil rights activist Garry Kasparov, who will speak about innovative decision making, how to recognize the distinction between strategy and tactics, the importance of the human element, and the integration of human with machine intelligence.

Szinapszis’s Csilla Bán (Director of Szinapszis Qualitative) and Kertész Balázs (Director of Research and Innovation) will also join the event.